ladbaby do they know its christmas

FRESH: ‘Food Aid – Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ – LadBaby

LadBaby is back for Christmas! Do they know…?


He’s done it for the last four years, but can LadBaby – aka Mark Hoyle – make it for a fifth year as Britain’s Christmas number one? Despite saying in 2021 he wouldn’t do any more, he’s back!

This year LadBaby has recorded the Band Aid classic “Do They Know It’s Christmas?“, and with Bob Geldof and Midge Ure’s permission, and there isn’t a sausage roll in sight!

LadBaby will split the proceeds raised from sales of the single to his usual charity, The Trussell Trust, as well as the Band Aid Foundation. This new recording will help many thousands of people in the UK who are struggling with the costs of living and those in poorer countries who have even less to survive on.

LadBaby has roped in money saving expert Martin Lewis for the new song, so be prepared for some off-notes but all in a worthwhile cause!

“Do They Know It’s Christmas?” remains one of the biggest selling singles of all time and was Christmas number one in 1984. LadBaby is fast amassing a greatest hits collection of his own with previous reworks of “We Built This City”, “I Love Rock And Roll” and “Don’t Stop Believin'”, now he goes for broke with the sacred cow of them all! No one has ever achieved five Christmas number one singles in the UK, so this could be a first, it’s up to you…

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